Since 1991, Global Poverty Solutions has been educating Canadians on challenges related to global acute poverty and the cost-effective solutions that are available for implementation.

What's New

In the 6 years that led to the COVID-19 pandemic, ultra-poverty was reduced by nearly half in the world.  Ultra-poverty, characterized by sub-standard living conditions and lack of access to health and/or education, still affects over 200 million people, mainly in Africa.  To find out more about this breakthrough, click HERE.

There are proven, cost-effective solutions to poverty


Understanding Poverty

How is extreme poverty defined and measured?  Who does it affect?


Solutions to Health Challenges

Extreme poverty deprives families of their health.  Thankfully, cost-effective measures can be taken.


for All

Education is key to ending extreme poverty.  Universal access to education is within reach.


Economic Opportunities

Ending extreme poverty presupposes that economic opportunities are made available to all.  


Self-Directed Learning

All content on the GPS website has an educational purpose. It is designed and structured in a way that can be easily learnt with specific learning objectives.